Stephanie Joanna Smith

About Me

What is Coaching and Mentoring?

I am sure every coach has their own way of describing this but for me it is all about what a coach can bring to you, the client, and what you should get from working with one.

What qualifies me to be your Coach & Mentor?

I have been coaching many clients for over a year now and qualified with a Diploma in Personal Performance Coaching. This allows me to work with clients globally on their goals, aspirations and dreams.

Whilst my qualifications allow me to coach and mentor on helping you to achieve your goals and provide me the skills, it is my background that gives me the passion and experience to help women find confidence in every area of their life, through recognising their worth, practicing self love and self care and building their confidence.

Why is this important?

The more and more I work with my clients, the more I see how few of us do put ourselves first and truly value ourselves to a point we are reaching our true potential in every area of life. Do any of these resonate with you:

  • Do you think about doing something for yourself or treating yourself and then quickly decide something or somebody else should come first?
  • Are you confident at work but question and doubt yourself in your personal life? (or vice versa?)
  • When you look at yourself in the mirror, do you find it difficult to think or say anything nice about yourself?
  • Have you, in the past, been with or currently with a partner that puts you down and makes you feel not worthy? (Whether you think it is intentional or not)
  • Do you ever question your worth and whether you deserve something or someone?
  • When someone compliments you, do you automatically find a response which shuts this down straight away? “oh this old thing…I’ve had it years”